Geographical Wind resourcess

Ultimately the winds are driven almost entirely by the sun’s energy, causing differmential surface heating. The heating ismost intense on landmasses closer to the equator, and obviously the greatest heating occurs in the daytime,whichmeans that the region of greatest heating moves around the earth’s surface as it spins on its axis. Warm air rises and circulates in the atmosphere to sink back to the surface in cooler areas. The resulting large-scale motion of the air is strongly influenced by coriolis forces due to the earth’s rotation. The result is a large-scale global circulation pattern. Certain identifiable features of this such as the trade winds and the ‘roaring forties’ are well known. The non-uniformity of the earth’s surface, with its pattern of land masses and oceans, ensures that this global circulation pattern is disturbed by smaller-scale variations on continental scales. These variations interact in a highly complex and nonlinear fashion to produce a somewhat chaotic result, which is at the root of the day- to-day unpredictability of the weather in particular locations. Clearly though, under-
lying tendencies remain which lead to clear climatic differences between regions. These differences are tempered bymore local topographical and thermal effects.
Hills and mountains result in local regions of increased wind speed. This is partly a result of altitude – the earth’s boundary layer means that wind speed generally increases with height above ground, and hill tops and mountain peaks may ‘project’ into the higher wind-speed layers. It is also partly a result of the acceleration of the wind flow over and around hills and mountains, and funnelling through passes or along valleys aligned with the flow. Equally, topography may produce areas of reduced wind speed, such as sheltered valleys, areas in the lee of a mountain ridge or where the flow patterns result in stagnation points. Thermal effects may also result in considerable local variations. Coastal regions are often windy because of differential heating between land and sea. While the sea is warmer than the land, a local circulation develops in which surface air flows from the land to the sea, with warm air rising over the sea and cool air sinking over the land. When the land is warmer the pattern reverses. The land will heat up and cool down more rapidly than the sea surface, and so this pattern of land and sea breezes tends to reverse over a 24 h cycle. These effects were important in the early development of wind power in California, where an ocean current brings cold water to the coast, not far from desert areas which heat up strongly by day. An intervening mountain range funnels the resulting air flow through its passes, generating locally very strong and reliable winds (which are well correlated with peaks in the local electricity demand caused by air-conditioning loads). Thermal effects may also be caused by differences in altitude. Thus cold air from high mountains can sink down to the plains below, causing quite strong and highly stratified ‘downslope’ winds.

The brief general descriptions of wind speed variations in Sections 2.1 to 2.5 are illustrative, and more detailed information can be found in standard meteorological texts. Section 9.1.3 describes how the wind regimes at candidate sites can be assessed, while wind forecasting is covered in Section 2.9.
Section 2.6 presents amore detailed description of the high-frequencywind fluctua tions known as turbulence, which are crucial to the design and operation of wind turbines and have a major influence on wind turbine loads. Extreme winds are also important for the survival of wind turbines, and these are described in Section 2.8.
READ MORE - Geographical Wind resourcess

The Nature OF the Wind

The energy available in the wind varies as the cube of the wind speed, so an
understanding of the characteristics of the wind resource is critical to all aspects of
wind energy exploitation, from the identification of suitable sites and predictions of
the economic viability of wind farm projects through to the design of wind turbines
themselves, and understanding their effect on electricity distribution networks and
From the point of view of wind energy, the most striking characteristic of the
wind resource is its variability. The wind is highly variable, both geographically
and temporally. Furthermore this variability persists over a very wide range of
scales, both in space and time. The importance of this is amplified by the cubic
relationship to available energy.
On a large scale, spatial variability describes the fact that there are many different
climatic regions in the world, some much windier than others. These regions are
largely dictated by the latitude, which affects the amount of insolation. Within any
one climatic region, there is a great deal of variation on a smaller scale, largely
dictated by physical geography – the proportion of land and sea, the size of land
masses, and the presence of mountains or plains for example. The type of vegeta-
tion may also have a significant influence through its effects on the absorption or
reflection of solar radiation, affecting surface temperatures, and on humidity.
More locally, the topography has a major effect on the wind climate. More wind
is experienced on the tops of hills and mountains than in the lee of high ground or
in sheltered valleys, for instance. More locally still, wind velocities are significantly
reduced by obstacles such as trees or buildings.
At a given location, temporal variability on a large scale means that the amount
of wind may vary from one year to the next, with even larger scale variations over
periods of decades or more. These long-term variations are not well understood,
and may make it difficult to make accurate predictions of the economic viability of
particular wind-farm projects, for instance.
READ MORE - The Nature OF the Wind

The Nature OF the Wind

The energy available in the wind varies as the cube of the wind speed, so an
understanding of the characteristics of the wind resource is critical to all aspects of
wind energy exploitation, from the identification of suitable sites and predictions of
the economic viability of wind farm projects through to the design of wind turbines
themselves, and understanding their effect on electricity distribution networks and
From the point of view of wind energy, the most striking characteristic of the
wind resource is its variability. The wind is highly variable, both geographically
and temporally. Furthermore this variability persists over a very wide range of
scales, both in space and time. The importance of this is amplified by the cubic
relationship to available energy.
On a large scale, spatial variability describes the fact that there are many different
climatic regions in the world, some much windier than others. These regions are
largely dictated by the latitude, which affects the amount of insolation. Within any
one climatic region, there is a great deal of variation on a smaller scale, largely
dictated by physical geography – the proportion of land and sea, the size of land
masses, and the presence of mountains or plains for example. The type of vegeta-
tion may also have a significant influence through its effects on the absorption or
reflection of solar radiation, affecting surface temperatures, and on humidity.
More locally, the topography has a major effect on the wind climate. More wind
is experienced on the tops of hills and mountains than in the lee of high ground or
in sheltered valleys, for instance. More locally still, wind velocities are significantly
reduced by obstacles such as trees or buildings.
At a given location, temporal variability on a large scale means that the amount
of wind may vary from one year to the next, with even larger scale variations over
periods of decades or more. These long-term variations are not well understood,
and may make it difficult to make accurate predictions of the economic viability of
particular wind-farm projects, for instance.
READ MORE - The Nature OF the Wind


SELAMAT PAGI.... hari ini akan diadakan rapat paripurna ke 2, setelah kemaren rame. Dan praktisi Telematika udah NGOCEH sembarangan lagi. Emang ni ORang gak da KAPOKnya; tau ndiri kan Si Roy, kemaren dah Q bahas di BLOGQ ini BAYANGIN UDAH dalam dunia dan praktik Komputerisasi udah gak maksimal, Ke POLITIK juga IKUT-IKUTAN,, wah-wah,, emang century bikin sensasi BESAR, MULAI dari PRESIDEN ampe TUKANG BECAK,, pada mulai apatis tuch..

SO LEBIH BAIK MANA APatis atau gak NGurus dengan PEMERINTAH?? UPto YOU LAH


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